
Empowering Area C Communities since 2009

Our Story

Comet-ME empowers off-grid communities through the design, installation, and long-term maintenance of renewable-energy and clean-water systems.
Our Story

Our Programs

Our core programs are renewable energy, clean water, and wireless internet, as well as research and development in off-grid pumping solutions.
Our Programs

The Political Context

Learn more about the political context in Area C of the occupied Palestinian territories.
The Political Context


Over a decade of work within the herding and farming communities in Area C, we have gotten to know hundreds of individuals and heard as many stories.
Community Profiles

Emergency Call to the International Community – Stop the Forcible Transfer in the West Bank

October 29, 2023

We, the undersigned human rights and civil society NGOs in Israel, call on the international community to act urgently to stop the state-backed wave of settler violence which has led, and is leading to, the forcible transfer of Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

For the past three weeks, since Hamas’s atrocities of October 7th, settlers have been exploiting the lack of public attention to the West Bank, as well as the general atmosphere of rage against Palestinians, to escalate their campaign of violent attacks in an attempt to forcibly transfer Palestinian communities. During this period, no fewer than thirteen herding communities have been displaced. Many more are in danger of being forced to flee in the coming days if immediate action is not taken.

Palestinian farmers are particularly vulnerable at this time, during the annual olive harvest season, because if they are unable to pick their olives they will lose a year’s income. Yesterday Bilal Muhammed Saleh from the village of As-Sawiya south of Nablus was murdered while tending to his olive trees. He was the seventh Palestinian to have been killed by settlers since the current war began.

Unfortunately, the Israeli government is supportive of these attacks and does nothing to stop this violence. On the contrary: government ministers and other officials are backing the violence and in many cases the military is present or even participates in the violence, including in incidents where settlers have killed Palestinians. Moreover, since the war has begun there has been a growing number of incidents in which violent settlers have been documented attacking nearby Palestinian communities while wearing military uniform and using government-issued weapons.

With grave concern and with a clear understanding of the political landscape, we recognize that the only way to stop this forcible transfer in the West Bank is a clear, strong and direct intervention by the international community.

Now is the time to act.

A Land for All – Two States, One Homeland
Akevot Institute
Amnesty International Israel
Association for Civil Rights in Israel
Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights
Breaking the Silence
Combatants for Peace
Emek Shaveh
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual
Haqel – In Defense of Human Rights
Itach-Maaki – Women Lawyers for Social Justice
Ir Amim
Jordan Valley Activists
Kerem Navot
Machsom Watch
Mothers Against Violence Israel
Other Voice
Parents Against Child Detention
Physicians for Human Rights Israel
Policy Working Group (PWG)
Rabbis for Human Rights
Re’acha Kamocha
Social Workers for Welfare and Peace
The School for Peace in Wahat al-Salam Neve Shalom
Torat Tzedek
Yesh Din
Zazim – Community Action

Comet-ME’s work is made possible by the generous support of

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